Physio Vs Myotherapy: How Different Are They?


There is a certain degree of cross-over with all 3 treatments, each of which will evaluate, treat and control your problem to ease discomfort and help to get you going again. How this is achieved depending on the therapist, what they specialize in and how they treat you.

Each can take a variety of treatments, including massage, mobilization, manipulation, and stretching. They can also have rehabilitative activities as part of the recovery plan. Each method may vary in theory, approach to treatment and technique.

The structured descriptions of the industry body are given below, along with my general opinion on how to select the right therapist for you. You will also learn about their benefits and drawbacks.

Myotherapy is a scientific proof-based assessment, rehabilitation and recovery of muscle pain and related disorders.

Physiotherapy Using innovative methods and evidence-based treatment, physiotherapists evaluate, identify, treat and avoid a wide variety of symptoms and mobility disorders. Physiotherapy helps to restore damage, relieve stiffness and discomfort, improve flexibility and improve the quality of life.

Osteopathy is a type of manual medical care that recognizes the essential connection between the bone structure and how it functions. Osteopaths focus on how the body, muscles, joints, arteries, circulation, connective tissue and vital organs operate as an integrated unit. Osteopathic therapy uses methods such as massage and stretching for the general treatment of soft tissues (muscles, tendons and ligaments) along with the mobilization of particular joints and soft tissues.

When to Visit aMyotherapist

People who have chronic (ongoing) musculoskeletal discomfort or trauma These symptoms can include headaches and/or neck stiffness, low back pain, tendinopathy, misuse trauma and overall muscle aches or stiffness.

The treatment uses a number of techniques, including pressure point therapy, massage, mobilization, dry needling, and, most notably, recovery exercises. They’re going to study lifestyle and everyday habits (exercise, work, stress management, computer use, etc.). In certain cases, minor lifestyle changes may have a huge effect on someone’s chronic illness.

When to Visit A Physiotherapist

You might see physiology for all of the above conditions, but I would usually recommend that you might see physiology for acute injury or injury such as torn ligament, joint dislocation, contusion (impact injuries) or early recovery after surgery.

These situations are more within the framework of the physiological practice. When it comes to osteopathy vs myotherapy vs physiotherapy, physiotherapists are less hands-on than osteopaths or myotherapists.

When to Visit an Osteopath

Again, you should see an osteopath under some of the above circumstances. They also use many of the therapies that are used both for myocardial and neurological reasons but can also require spinal changes.

These are my views, all of which come from experiencing all the 3 types and also having been a patient at a certain stage of each therapy type. However, which one you should go to will depend on your condition and the availability of therapists around your area.

Consider it a guide to send you down the right path.

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